Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000050_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Wed Nov 5 20:18:31 1997.msg
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From: "Garfield Benjamin" <gbenjam@sosbbs.com>
To: "AMOS MAILING LIST" <amos-list@access.digex.net>,
"Robert Bankston" <rbanksto@whale.st.usm.edu>
Subject: Re: re:AmosForPC
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 16:44:54 -0500
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> The Allegro development library has recently been mentioned here and
> talk of an Amiga port (if I understood the post correctly). I'm not
> trying to dissuade anyone from porting this nor am I trying to convert
> AMOS users but I find that SAS C (it can be bought VERY cheaply
> now,$10 I think) and the Games Master system (GMS) make a great
> setup. ...Anyway I would highly recommend this to anyone doing
> game development.
HEY!! This is an AMOS-list and these kind of messages have no place
here!! :)
I'm not trying to convert people either, besides what some members
might think...
Anyway, I wrote the Allegro-post in reply to the last AMOS for PC
inquiry. As I'd seen several of these messages in my time on this
list, I thought, now that since I finally have some actual modern-day
experience in IBMclone-land, I would present my views on the subject.
No, Allegro isn't being ported to Amiga, but if a person is looking for
an easy development-system for IBMclone development then I highly
recommend DJGPP and Allegro.
I downloaded an early version of the GMS last year and it looked very
promising. With GMS for the Amiga and Allegro for the IBMclones, this
would be the ideal set-up for commercial development.
Don't be taking these posts the wrong way. We aren't attacking
AMOS, it's a fine language. However, I know that I would find it very
interesting to see my new "friends" (the people on this list) developing
in other languages as well as AMOS. There are some damn fine
programmers on this list and you could apply that talent and
determination to other languages IN ADDITION to AMOS. I can't
understand why you feel it has to be one or the other?!
Perhaps, our next project could be in C/GMS or (I'm really out on a
limb now) even C/Allegro with Giark still leading the troops...
Okay, I'm bracing for impact... and yes Giark I will be resuming work
on the SideShooter stage tomorrow, providing I'm not kicked out after
this message comes through.
Take care,
Current projects...
Color merge/redux modules(BLITZ): 99% Complete
SideShooter(AMOS): 67% Complete
Website(http://www.sosbbs.com/~gbenjam): 20% Complete